Shawna Watkins

Presentation Topic
Gen 50:19-20
(Building generational faith)
Gen 50:19-20
This message will explore the contrast between forgiveness and unforgiveness. When one makes a decision not to forgive, the consequences of pain, disappointment, and anxiety will evidence itself in the works of the flesh. However, when one decides to forgive, that person will live in the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit. When you forgive, you not only release others, you release yourself.
(Building generational faith)
How can your influence/or lack of, build/break down, faith in the lives of others. Faith is not just for us, personally, we should act in such a way that it impacts others.

Shawna Watkins' Biography
Shawna L. Watkins grew up in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma as a PK (preacher’s kid). She is the oldest of three children born to Willie and Shelia Lynch. She obtained her bachelor's degree in criminal justice from the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, Oklahoma, and a Master of Public Administration from Arkansas State University. Shawna is employed with the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa, where she serves as the Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. She is blessed to be married to David B.T. Watkins III, Associate Minister of the North Peoria Church of Christ in Tulsa, OK. They are the proud parents of two sons, David B. Watkins IV, age 11 and Kaden Watkins, age 6.
Shawna is continually blown away by the opportunities God blesses her with. Unsure at the beginning of this journey as to if she was equipped to walk the path God was placing before her, she became like Moses in the book of Exodus and developed excuses as to why she could not walk this path. But she knew that just as the Lord was with Moses, so shall he be with her. As he stated in Exodus 4:12, “Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say”. With that, Shawna became committed to being about her Father’s business and now boldly follows the path set before her and is grateful for the opportunities she has had speaking at women’s programs and conferences. In addition to this work Shawna serves as a board member of the National Preacher’s wives conference, serves on several Ministry committees, and teaches bible classes. Of all she’s involved in her greatest title is being a Child of the most high God!