Frances Harrison Sister to Sister Award
Help us to honor an outstanding sister in your congregation. Tell us what makes her outstanding in a 1-pagetyped essay. Is it her church/community involvement? Is it her involvement with children or seniors? The winner of this award will receive free registration and hotel for the 2026 MWCCC. Nominations must be submitted by September 1, 2025 via mail or email to:
Sheldon Heights church of Christ Annex
c/o Brenda Gilbert
11355 S. Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60628
Janice E. Russell Community Award
The MWCCC is committed to community outreach efforts therefore; each year we commit to assisting a community program in the area in which we are hosting the Conference. This could be women in domestic violence situations, addictions, medical, reach to recovery; wherever the Lord leads us to bless the lives of women in that area is where the focal point is devoted. At this point we are in prayer for guidance for Him to lead us to a community ministry so that when September comes, we are ready to bless the lives of the ladies in the Michigan area. So, what are we asking ladies? We are asking that you allow your heart to guide you to set aside a donation for this worthy cause. There will be a special offering collected during the conference and presented to the proper agency.